In PAINT-P, the effectiveness of the components (antecedent & consequent techniques) of parent training for ADHD was investigated in a microtrial. In the follow-up studies PAINT-POH, PAINT-GGZ, PAINT-P Pilotstudy, and PAINT-Wijkteam, the effectiveness and feasibility of a combined parent training in various settings is being investigated.
Paint-P was created to support parents and children: a short-term parent intervention based on behavioural therapeutic techniques
The short-term parent training that have been developed in the framework of PAINT-P are based on the ‘Behavioral Parent Training Groningen’ (BPTG) (Van den Hoofdakker & Van der Veen, 2011), which has also been included in the Database of Effective Youth Interventions of the Dutch Youth Institute (NJI). Read more about the different projects below.
Our goal
We, researchers from Accare, the Ku Leuven and the University of Groningen, have developed a short-term parenting programme aimed at reducing problem behaviour. With the PAINT-P research, we aim to improve the care of children with ADHD and behavioural problems in the home situation and offer parents a feasible and effective programme.
The researchers:
Rianne Hoornstra (microtrial)
Accare Child Study Center
Dominique Doffer (PAINT-POH)
Accare Child Study Center
Roos van Doornik (PAINT-GGZ)
Accare Child Study Center
Marijn Nijboer (PAINT PC)
Accare Child Study Center
Prof. dr. Barbara van den Hoofdakker
Accare Child Study Center
Dr. Tycho Dekkers
Accare Child Study Center; Levvel
Prof. dr. Saskia van der Oord
Ku Leuven
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