Status: active, participation possible
Children with ADHD often have a tendency to move, even when they are supposed to be doing tasks at school. They are often told to sit still. But perhaps moving during school work actually helps these children.
Our Goal
We want to investigate whether moving during school work is beneficial for children with ADHD. To do this, we will provide the children with a small bicycle under their desk for six weeks (a desk-bike). We want to see what effect this has on the child’s concentration, school performance, motivation, and academic self-esteem.
When a parent enrolls a child with ADHD, we first administer a questionnaire to the parent and teacher to determine if the child can participate. If the child is eligible, we visit the school. During this visit, we conduct some tasks with the child and administer some questionnaires. This process takes a maximum of one hour. Parents and teachers also fill out some questionnaires. The child then receives a desk-bike for six weeks*. After six weeks, we revisit the school for the tasks and questionnaires with the child.
*We want to compare a group of children with and without a desk-bike. Therefore, after the initial assessment, we randomly assign who receives the desk-bike immediately and who receives it after six weeks. This way, we have one group that has both a pre-test and a post-test and has used the desk-bike in between, and another group that has not used it, allowing us to compare these groups. All children ultimately receive the desk-bike for six weeks, but half of them wait initially.
Participation or more information?
Would you like to participate in the study, or would you like more information? Please contact Suzanne de Jong at or 0659811852
The researchers:
Dr. Tycho Dekkers
Accare Child Study Center; Levvel
Saskia van der Oord
KU Leuven
Suzanne de Jong
Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam
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