PAINT-Pc (parent training combined)

Status: completed

Parent training is a proven effective intervention for reducing behavioural problems in children with (characteristics of) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Parent training is an important part of regular healthcare in the Netherlands. By researching parent trainings well, we want to improve them more and more. Most parent training interventions are fairly long (12 sessions on average). In order to help parents of children with behavioural problems and (characteristics of) ADHD more effectively and efficiently, we want to research whether parent training can be shorter.

The goal

In this pilotstudy, we offered parents a short crash course teaching them several parenting techniques they can use to influence their child’s behavior. Based on earlier experiences with brief parent training developed for our microtrial, we created a new protocol for a brief parent training program. This training will be tested on efficacy in our studies PAINT-GGZ and PAINT-POH. In this pilotstudy we examined feasibility and satisfaction about the new program by both parents and therapists. Moreover, we wanted to know how children’s behavior changed after parents followed the brief parent training.


The data collection for this study has been completed. In total, parents of 28 children from the Groningen region participated.


Parents and practitioners were satisfied with the brief parent training. There also appears to be a positive change in the children’s daily measured behavior. The findings from this pilot study are currently being prepared for publication in a scientific article, which is expected to be published later this year.

Contact or Questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marijn Nijboer,

The researchers:

Dr. Tycho Dekkers
Accare Child Study Center; Levvel

Prof. dr. Barbara van den Hoofdakker
Accare Child Study Center

Marijn Nijboer
Accare Child Study Center

Other projects


In the Paint-T trial, the effectiveness of the components of teacher training was examined by means of a microtrial, and in the follow-up study Paint T trial, the effectiveness of a combined teacher training will be examined.


In PAINT-IPDMA, an individual participant data meta-analysis is being conducted on psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with ADHD. In the follow-up IPDMA study, the psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with behavioural problems are investigated.


The aim of PAINT-move is to investigate whether it helps children with ADHD to move in the classroom while working. For this purpose, the children use a bicycle under their table for six weeks.


The PAINT-C study maps the care for children with ADHD and/or hyperactive behaviour in the Netherlands at municipalities, CJGs/District Teams and schools and investigates what predicts treatment choices in ADHD.


The study PLOS (Planning at School) investigates the effectiveness of a programme to support secondary school students with planning problems. PLOS consists of two parts PLOS-basic and PLOS-extra.


In PAINT-P the effectiveness of the components of parental training for ADHD was studied and in the follow-up studies Paint-POH, Paint-GGZ, Paint-Pilotstudy and Paint-Wijkteam the effectiveness and feasibilityof combined parental training in different settings will be studied.