PAINT-Wijkteam (community care)

Questionnaire study (ongoing)

Parents of children with behavioral difficulties, such as hyperactive, disobedient and aggressive behavior, can receive support in an accessible way via community care teams. It is currently unclear what kind of support community care teams offer to these families. Within this questionnaire study, we want to gain a better picture of the current way of working at community care teams with families with children with behavioral difficulties and we want to gain more insight into factors that contribute to differences in the provision of support.

Parent training study (in preparation)

Parent training is an effective treatment for children with behavioral difficulties and is recommended as a first-choice treatment by various guidelines. Within PAINT, various studies into a short parent training are being conducted. Within this project, we want to investigate the feasibility of this short parent training when it is offered within community care teams.

Our goal

Questionnaire study

In the questionnaire study of PAINT-P Wijkteam (community care) we map out what support families with a child with behavioral difficulties currently receive from community care teams.

Parent training study

When we know more about the support that community care teams offer to families with a child with behavioral difficulties, we will investigate the feasibility of the short parent training in this setting. The aim of the study is to help families with a child with behavioral difficulties at the earliest possible stage and in an accessible way.

Structure & design of the study

Questionnaire study

First, we will use a questionnaire among employees of community care teams to map out what support community care teams currently offer to families with a child with behavioral difficulties. We will also map out whether this support is in line with guidelines. The questionnaire is now closed and the data are being analyzed.

Parent training study

After the questionnaire study, we will investigate the short parent training within community care teams.

What is in it for the participants?

Questionnaire study

Community care teams that participate in the questionnaire study contribute to the knowledge about the support that community care teams throughout the Netherlands offer to families with a child with behavioral difficulties.

Parent training study

Community care teams that participate in the study into parent training receive training and a protocol to be able to provide the parent training. In addition, by participating in the study, community care teams make an important contribution to all families with a child with behavioral difficulties. Through research, we learn how we can improve parent training, which can help other parents and children in the future.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Emmy van Boven,

The Researchers:

Dr. Marjolein Luman
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Levvel

Prof. Dr. Barbara van den Hoofdakker
Accare Child Study Center

Prof. Dr. Saskia van der Oord
KU Leuven

Dr. Tycho Dekkers
Accare Child Study Center/UMCG; Levvel

Prof. Dr. Arne Popma
Amsterdam UMC

Emmy van Boven
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Other Projects


In the Paint-T trial, the effectiveness of the components of teacher training was examined by means of a microtrial, and in the follow-up study Paint T trial, the effectiveness of a combined teacher training will be examined.


In PAINT-IPDMA, an individual participant data meta-analysis is being conducted on psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with ADHD. In the follow-up IPDMA study, the psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with behavioural problems are investigated.


The aim of PAINT-move is to investigate whether it helps children with ADHD to move in the classroom while working. For this purpose, the children use a bicycle under their table for six weeks.


The PAINT-C study maps the care for children with ADHD and/or hyperactive behaviour in the Netherlands at municipalities, CJGs/District Teams and schools and investigates what predicts treatment choices in ADHD.


The study PLOS (Planning at School) investigates the effectiveness of a programme to support secondary school students with planning problems. PLOS consists of two parts PLOS-basic and PLOS-extra.


In PAINT-P the effectiveness of the components of parental training for ADHD was studied and in the follow-up studies Paint-POH, Paint-GGZ, Paint-Pilotstudy and Paint-Wijkteam the effectiveness and feasibilityof combined parental training in different settings will be studied.